Empower Every Karma with Power Within
The topic of this article reminds me of an eye opening incident from a small orthopedic hospital in Gujrat, India. An earthquake was going to hit an area close to this hospital that was filled with many physically disabled patients. The entire hospital had to be emptied within a few minutes. It was a scene of utter chaos and terror where everyone was running to save their lives. Some patients who could not even stand on their own feet were walking or running. The strong desire to live generated a will power in them, and that in turn invoked the physical strength. On the other hand few people were emotionally weak but had physical strength to move. The weak spirited ones felt so traumatized that inspite of having the ability to move, they couldn’t take a step forward. The lack of power within took away their physical strength. We spend so much of our time and energy in gaining physical, financial, or status power. The story clearly indicates that every power becomes meaningless, useless, and ineffective if we lack the spiritual, emotional, or soul power. The crystal clear knowledge that I received at Brahma Kumaris showed me the way to easily invoke this soul power. I have started to primarily rely only on the inner power, spend most of my time and efforts in building soul power, and the result is that I feel like every power out there is becoming mine. Is it smarter to focus on one power and get all of them or desperately make an effort to get every power and end up with nothing?
External Power |
Soul Power |
How do we generate power within?
Unknowingly or knowingly, we are at every moment invoking the inner power and sending it to the universe in the form of thoughts, words, and karma (deed). Are we aware and checking to see if the power we are transmitting is bringing us benefit? The quality of thought, word, and action determines our aura (the energy we radiate). The universe matches the quality of energy we are transmitting by reflecting the same kind of energy back. If we want positive results, then our thoughts, words, and karma need to be filled with a positive force. Thoughts are the basis of words and actions, hence to send out positive power to the universe, we need to create positive thoughts (energy).
We can change the quality of thoughts if its source is known. Would anybody want to go to a source that generates negative thoughts after understanding that negative thoughts will eventually bring us negative results from the universe? The basis of thoughts is our awareness, consciousness, or the way we identify ourselves. The thoughts fully align with our identity. If we are generating 30 negative thoughts per minute, then our inner power is -30 thoughts per minute. The negative power acts like a barrier in every step forward, and we feel every karma has become a burden. A person generating negative power is creating friction in their path, but they think it is the world that is putting hurdles in their path. We need power to fulfill so many tasks, but if we are instead creating roadblocks then life indeed will feel like a burden.Why do we feel heavy, tired, and frustrated performing actions?
Let's check what is in our awareness during the entire karma cycle (before, after, and during) as thoughts align with awareness. Once the awareness is identified, we will understand the type of thoughts that will trigger and the kind of energy it will generate. It is sometimes hard to get to the deepest level (awareness) of the problem, so let's see if we can catch the thoughts that go through our mind during the entire action cycle. In the past during action, below is how I would think and feel:
- I have already done so much. (exhausted)
- I still have so many chores and tasks to complete. (stressed)
- When will I ever get to rest and not have to do so much? (frustrated)
- Even after doing so much, nobody appreciates or acknowledges my efforts. (depressed)
- How much more do I have to do; will this working saga ever end? (tired)
- Why should I be the only one doing this when everyone else is taking it so easy? (hopeless)
- What if others reject my work, or what if I don’t complete my work? (fear)
All of the thoughts and feelings above indicate that we are feeling sorry or are not confident about ourselves. In our awareness, we are creating a ‘self pity’ and ‘low self esteem’ image. These two awarenesses generate lot of negative thoughts that we already noted. The ‘self pity’ and ‘low self esteem’ consciousness handicap us emotionally. We need force to move forward or power to fulfill our responsibilities. Instead we are creating friction that is preventing us from accomplishing the duties. Our words get filled with frustration, stress, and depression. Actions are performed half heartedly, hurriedly in stress, or avoided completely. The incorrect awareness caused us to create negative thoughts, words, and actions. We end up sending so much negative energy at a fast pace to the universe and unfortunately end up receiving negative energy too.
How do we fill every action with the power (+ve) within?
We need a solid full proof awareness to ensure that only positive thought energy will be invoked from it. Then, our every action or word will also be filled with this force and help us in moving forward. What should be in our awareness? Let's first note down few positive thoughts and feelings that will help us progress during the entire karma cycle.
- I am a super competent being and hence have so many responsibilities. (pure pride)
- I am a capable being who has completed similar tasks in the past, so it is easy for me to complete them again. (enthusiastic)
- I choose the responsibilities and can give them up if I want to; nobody else is responsible for the choices I make. (powerful and independent)
- I am a peaceful soul, so every task will be done creatively and beautifully. (calm)
- I receive the reward of every karma, if I don’t do anything then I will be at loss (wise and motivated)
- It is inevitable that my positive actions will bring positive results, then why should I wait, request or demand appreciation from others. (trust and patience)
A simple change in awareness about the self that I am a super productive and impactful being gave me the wings of zeal and enthusiasm. I feel very light like a fairy, and I am able to finish all the duties happily. Life has started to feel like a boon. Why would it not when I understand every task or responsibility is a chance for me to to prove my usefulness and show my value to the world. I not only gain respect by being such a useful being, but I also get sweet rewards in return for every elevated karma I perform. I hope you give this new awareness of being soul conscious a chance, and feel the power that flows out from you to the world.
Tips for increasing the power within:
- Practice Raja Yoga meditation for 15 minutes everyday early in the morning.
- Do a self reflection exercise, and identify the tasks and responsibilities that frustrate you and tire your body. Then, check what thoughts are causing you to feel like that. What are some new thoughts that you can use to feel light and energetic instead?
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