Overflowing Reservoir of Inner Peace

I recollect a story that relays the essence of this topic. God disguised himself and decided to visit his children in the physical world to check on them. He first reached a very wealthy man, Raju's house and knocked on the door. Raju angrily opened the door, gave God a penny and asked him to never come back again. God remembered how this same man visited temple many times few years back and begged for wealth. Raju possessed every comfort, but was not happy in sharing it with others. The lord thought he had not seen a more poor man than the wealthy Raju. Next, God stopped at a poor man, Shyam's hut and knocked on the door. The poor man smilingly invited God home and requested him to have meal with his family. God was touched by Shayam's genuine love. He knew Shyam's house that night barely had any food. Shyam's wife started serving dinner to God with lot of affection, and she noticed that food in the pot kept increasing every time she served. She realized that...