Exposing the Viruses Within
The term RCA (root cause analysis) is used a lot in tech industry, specially during system outages. We are very interested in knowing about the root cause of diseases, financial losses, pollution, etc. Strangely enough we rarely think about the root cause of discontentment in life. Each one of us desires happiness or contentment in life, yet we rarely spend time in checking or understanding what are the viruses that are causing us to be unsatisfied. If we know if the viruses, then the right anti virus software can be built to eradicate them. Spiritual knowledge helps in exposing the viruses that exists within and in building an anti virus system that can eradicate them.
What are some symptoms of discontentment?
Many times we are spending more time on the symptoms then the root cause. Treating the symptoms will give momentary relief, but the disease of discontentment will keep cropping back. People will typically say expectations, jealousy, materialism, comparison, etc cause us to be unhappy. Even though we know the reason of unhappiness, we are unable to let go of expectation or comparison. We need to go a bit deeper and understand what causes us to expect or compare? We expect something only when we don't have it, but what is it that we don't have? Comparison happens externally (titles, promotions, name, fame, etc), but it is the result of an internal desire not being met. Lets go a bit deeper and understand the root cause of all the symptoms.
What is the root cause of discontentment?
A factory that has to heavily rely on others (specially if they are unreliable) that to produce its goods cannot be successful. The owner of such a factory will blame others for its loss and file for bankruptcy. Similarly can we consistently experience contentment if we have to rely on others for it? We will end up blaming others for our discontentment and experience emotional bankruptcy. Why do we rely on others for something that we deeply desire? Indeed it is because of this virus (lack of knowledge=ignorance) that we are not the creator of happiness and others (objects, people, situations, or God) are responsible for giving it to us. Why should we give this utmost important responsibility of being happy to others and why would others want to take it? Does it even make sense? Yet we are consciously or unconsciously solely relying on the outside world for happiness. It is important to check if this method of depending on the outside world is really making us content or giving us momentary pleasure. This is the reason why materialism and expectations have risen and contentment has fallen. The bottom line is that peace, happiness, and contentment will be created only when we take out time to create it early in the morning during meditation and maintain it while doing everything. It is not magically going to come from outside, and even if it does it will be momentary pleasure. We are the creator of the peace and can create it anytime and anyplace by creating peaceful thoughts like, ‘I am a peaceful being, peace is my natural quality, and peace is my birthright’. We are also the creator of stress when we create thoughts like, ‘How much more do I have to do, will I ever be able to finish everything, or I have so little time and so much needs to be done’. What do you want to create - peace or stress?
What are some symptoms of discontentment?
Many times we are spending more time on the symptoms then the root cause. Treating the symptoms will give momentary relief, but the disease of discontentment will keep cropping back. People will typically say expectations, jealousy, materialism, comparison, etc cause us to be unhappy. Even though we know the reason of unhappiness, we are unable to let go of expectation or comparison. We need to go a bit deeper and understand what causes us to expect or compare? We expect something only when we don't have it, but what is it that we don't have? Comparison happens externally (titles, promotions, name, fame, etc), but it is the result of an internal desire not being met. Lets go a bit deeper and understand the root cause of all the symptoms.
What is the root cause of discontentment?
Virus #1:"I am NOT the creator of peace, happiness, or contentment"
Virus #2: "It is natural to feel anger, stress, worry, and fear”
It is a popular belief that human beings are negative by nature. At Brahma kumaris this belief system is challenged by few questions, "is there anyone who desires to be fearful or stressful? why do we desire for positive qualities like peace and happiness when we know we are negative? Any kind of negative trait is harmful and makes us very uncomfortable, why would we be designed in a way that creates loss and discomfort for us"? This virus has caused us to accept our acquired, the ones that foreign to us, negative traits to be normal and natural. Indeed in today's world stress, worry, and anxiety are widespread. That does not mean that fear, stress, and worry are our natural qualities. These emotions have become more common in every human being. Maintaining a strong conviction that we are by default peaceful, loving, and happy enables us to reach our original pure state. Else, we end up sustaining and growing the negative traits in us. We will defend out negative behavior by creating excuses like, 'to err is human being'.
Virus #3 : "Anger, Fear, and Stress are powerful and help in getting work done”
You might have heard the quote, "Fear of failure leads to success!" or "People perform better under pressure!". Belief systems like these are causing us to sustain the negative emotion in us. How can something positive like success come out of negativity? Does it even make sense? Is there any doctor that prescribes fear, anger, stress for a healthier body? If these negative qualities are so bad for our body, then how can they be powerful enough to bring success in life? How does one feel when they are fearful? Typically our mind is running at a high speed with gazillion nerve wrecking thoughts, our body is sweating or trembling, and our confidence is at its lowest ebb. In such a fearful stage, are we creative, innovative, and making good decisions? Or, are we compromising, getting things done without quality, and relying on others for decision making? We can get work done even when feeling stressed, pressured, or fearful. Can we genuinely be proud of such a work? Is it our best quality work?
Artists, Scientists, or any innovative person tend to hibernate, go in deep silence, when they need to create something magnificent. It is out of their complete silent stage that beautiful paintings, music, and technology have been created or invented. Gandhi’s method of nonviolence (peaceful methods) finally got India it's freedom from the foreign rule in 1947. Before him, many Indian leaders had used violent methods against Britishers and had failed miserably. The British government bowed down their head to Gandhi’s power of purity, peace, and respect for all. They finally left India and declared it free. To date, many statues of Gandhi exist in London even though he was the reason for the end of British era in India. History is filled with such examples if we take a moment to reflect. Why not give tried and tested formula that ‘Peace is powerful’.
Tips that help in removing the viruses from within
You might have heard the quote, "Fear of failure leads to success!" or "People perform better under pressure!". Belief systems like these are causing us to sustain the negative emotion in us. How can something positive like success come out of negativity? Does it even make sense? Is there any doctor that prescribes fear, anger, stress for a healthier body? If these negative qualities are so bad for our body, then how can they be powerful enough to bring success in life? How does one feel when they are fearful? Typically our mind is running at a high speed with gazillion nerve wrecking thoughts, our body is sweating or trembling, and our confidence is at its lowest ebb. In such a fearful stage, are we creative, innovative, and making good decisions? Or, are we compromising, getting things done without quality, and relying on others for decision making? We can get work done even when feeling stressed, pressured, or fearful. Can we genuinely be proud of such a work? Is it our best quality work?
Tips that help in removing the viruses from within
1. Practice Raja Yoga meditation for 15 minutes everyday early in the morning.
2. Take atleast 3 breaks at work or home and practice Raja Yoga meditation for one minute.
3. In the night before sleeping write a journal about 3-5 times when you maintained your innate qualities (purity, peace, love, happiness, bliss, wisdom, and power) and 3-5 times when you did not. Pat your back for maintaining them and probe yourself on the situations when you could not maintain them. This exercise increases your self awareness and it will automatically enable you to use more of your positive methods and change the negative ones.
3. In the night before sleeping write a journal about 3-5 times when you maintained your innate qualities (purity, peace, love, happiness, bliss, wisdom, and power) and 3-5 times when you did not. Pat your back for maintaining them and probe yourself on the situations when you could not maintain them. This exercise increases your self awareness and it will automatically enable you to use more of your positive methods and change the negative ones.
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