Spiritual Bleach for Cleansing the Habit of “Procrastination”
People who value time and spend it in a meaningful and constructive manner automatically become valuable. Indeed such folks realize that their reputation and honor is intact if their every thought, word, and act is valuable. The awareness of maintaining their pure self pride enables them to use their every second in a wise and useful manner. They realize that their net worth in the form of self esteem and regard from society increases by prioritizing tasks accurately. Why would we want to postpone a task that will benefit many, is critical because of its impact, or is self’s deep passion? Indeed it is not realizing the importance of self and time. Why do we procrastinate and how do we overcome it? Ignorance and/or carelessness: Can our net worth increase if we waste time on activities that are not helping us grow? It is understandable that sometimes breaks are needed to relax and rejuvenate. It is important to check if those breaks are really giving us momentary relaxation or...